
Toastmasters has recently announced the new educational program entitled “Pathways”.

If  you would like to know all about it, you can always visit the official Pathways page on the Toastmasters International website.

It will answer questions such as:

  • Why is the education program changing?
  • Why is Pathways valuable to me?
  • How many paths are there?
  • Are there different levels in each path?
  • etc.

If you prefer to get a brief overview for the time being, here is an interesting presentation prepared by Kevin Broughton, a fellow Toastmaster in Australia:


Would you like to visit our club?  Here is the St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montreal programme for October 31, 2017.

Êtes-vous intéressés à savoir comment améliorer vos capacités de parler en public?  Comment devenir un leader plus compétent?

Grâce à Toastmasters, vous pouvez apprendre à parler en public par la pratique : les membres s’encouragent de façon positive, afin de s’aider mutuellement à progresser et se perfectionner pour ainsi devenir d’excellents communicateurs et des leaders efficaces.

Venez nous rendre visite!

Voici le programme pour la réunion du club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal du 24 octobre 2017.


We’d like to congratulate Nadine Champagne, proud member of St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal, for having won the first place in the Toastmasters Division F English Humorous Speech Contest.

Nadine (standing second from the right) at the Humorous Speech Contest.

Congratulations as well to Martina for having participated in the French Evaluation Contest. (From what we hear, she have an excellent evaluation but may have slightly exceeded the maximum time limit. Better luck next time!)

Martina (shown standing in the middle) at the Evaluation Contest.

The St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome its newest member Kit.


Our club president Tommy welcomes Kit to St-Lawrence Toastmasters

We like to ask our new members to give us a quick overview of some of the goals they have given themselves or some of the reasons they have decided to join our club.

Here is what Kit has to share with us:

I joined Toastmasters because it is a place where people come to grow and give each other the opportunity to expand their voice and enhance their skills. It is a unique place, and an important one. I am looking forward to this adventure, this new pathway, and St. Lawrence Toastmasters has an inspiring group of Toastmasters to be on this voyage with.


Are you interested in finding out more about how you can enhance your public-speaking skills?  Come visit us!

Here is the programme for the meeting of October 17, 2017.

The St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to congratulate everyone who participated in the Toastmasters Area 54 Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests.

A big thanks to the contest organisers, all the contestants, and everyone who came to cheer them on.

Here are the contest results:

Toastmasters English Evaluation Contest - Gregory Alex

English Evaluation Contest

1st place: Gregory Fine (Westmount Toastmasters)

2nd place: Alex Chan (St-Lawrence Toastmasters)

Concours évaluation Toastmasters Martina Alex

Concours d’évaluation en français

1ère place: Martina Kugler (St-Lawrence Toastmasters)

2e place: Alex Chan (St-Lawrence Toastmasters)

Toastmasters English Humorous Speech Contest - Nadine Jinghui

English Humorous Speech Contest

1st place: Nadine Champagne (St-Lawrence Toastmasters)

2nd place: Jinghui Ding (NDG Leader Toastmasters)

The first-place winners will go on to represent our Area during the Toastmasters Division F contests, which will take place on October 14, 2017.


If  you’d like to see photos with the other contestants, please feel free to consult our weekly programme.  Here is the programme for the Toastmasters meeting of Tuesday October 10, 2017.

La réunion du mardi 3 octobre sera une soirée spéciale à notre club Toastmasters à Montréal. Nous organiserons le Concours Toastmasters du secteur 54 (division F, district 61). Ce concours est composé de concours de discours humoristiques et de concours d’évaluation.

Bien que la soirée ne sera pas dans le format standard de nos réunions hebdomadaires, c’est toujours très intéressant d’y assister. Par exemple, voici comment se déroule habituellement un concours d’évaluation de discours :

  • Il y aura un orateur cible (c’est à dire quelqu’un qui donnera un discours, et cette personne aura été choisie secrètement à l’avance pour préparer un discours pour ce concours). Tout l’auditoire aura l’occasion d’entendre le discours, incluant les concurrents (les évaluateurs) qui évalueront tous ce même discours.
  • Ensuite, les évaluateurs seront invités à quitter la salle et à prendre quelques minutes pour préparer leurs notes d’évaluation.
