
Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal aimerait souhaiter la bienvenue à Marc-Antoine.

Marc-Antoine-Saint-Lawrence-Toastmasters-MontrealMarc-Antoine accueilli par Yanick (président du club)

Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont joints à notre club. Voici ce que Marc-Antoine mentionne :

J’ai décidé de joindre St-Lawrence Toastmasters, afin d’améliorer mes capacités à l’oral me permettant ainsi de performer davantage dans le cadre professionnel. L’équipe se distingue de par la qualité de l’organisation, de ses membres et des évaluations. Les membres ont su créer un environnement de confiance et de support mutuel.


Aimeriez-vous en savoir plus sur comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à maîtriser l’art oratoire dans un environnement de confiance et de support mutuel? Venez nous rendre visite.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 31 octobre 2023.

We would like welcome our newest members, James and Salomez, to the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal.

Yanick (current club president) formally welcomes James and Salomez

Although James has already been a Toastmaster for several years back in Ireland, we are always eager to learn about the motivations that bring new members to our club. Here are their thoughts on joining:

My Toastmasters journey over the last ten years has been enriching and enjoyable. I am privileged to continue my journey with St. Lawrence Toastmasters because of the genuine welcome and encouragement I received when I first visited the club. I am enthusiastic to contribute to a club that celebrates 75 years and I am motivated by the commitment to the use of both French and English in every club meeting.
– James

I love the bilingualism concept of the club. I would like to reach a great level of fluency expressing my thoughts both in English and French in any given circumstances.
– Salomez


Are you interested in joining a bilingual Toastmasters club in Montreal? Feel free to come visit us.

Here is the programme for the meeting of October 24, 2023.

Le club Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait souhaiter la bienvenue à son nouveau membre Jean-Rock.

Jean-RockJean-Rock accueilli par Yanick (président du club)

Comme à l’habitude, nous aimons demander à nos nouveaux membres ce qui les a incités à se joindre à notre club. Voici ce que Jean-Rock nous partage :

J’ai choisi St Lawrence Toastmasters en raison de la richesse que ce club comporte en termes d’expertise et de passionnés surtout bilingues, donc la possibilité de se surpasser dans les deux langues. Mon objectif est simple : améliorer ma communication orale , m’amuser dans ma créativité et devenir un bon orateur.


Aimeriez-vous aussi améliorer vos capacités de communication orale? Venez nous rendre visite.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 17 octobre 2023.

As we embark on another Toastmasters year, we are fervently setting our sights on achieving once again the prestigious “President’s Distinguished Club” recognition, as in previous years.

But what does that status really mean? And more importantly, what value does it bring to you, members of St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal?

In essence, the President’s Distinguished Club status is the gold standard in Toastmasters. It’s an accolade that’s awarded to clubs that have demonstrated consistent excellence in providing a supportive environment for public speaking and leadership development. For a club to attain this status, it needs to achieve at least 9 out of the 10 goals set by Toastmasters International, encompassing member education, membership growth, and effective club management.

Last week, Yanick (club president) unveiled the new banner to follow our club’s progression.


Executive committee members Frédéric and Marc, putting red dots to mark the completion of one of the 10 goals.


Yanick (club president) proudly showcases one of our goals completed, as well as red dots on some other goals, bringing us closer to our President’s Distinguished Club status.

So, why should this matter to our members?


Cherchez-vous à perfectionner votre expression orale?

Souhaiteriez-vous optimiser la clarté et la concision de vos propos?

Avez-vous l’envie d’exceller en motivant des groupes, que ce soit en anglais ou en français?

N’attendez plus, passez nous voir au Club St.-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal.

Voici le programme de notre réunion du 10 octobre 2023.


The St-Lawrence Toastmasters club in Montreal is delighted to introduce our newest member, Michael.

Yanick (current club president) welcomes new Toastmasters member Michael

We like to encourage our members to discuss what motivated them to join our club. Here’s what Michael shares:

I have managed teams for several years; however, I felt I could improve my presentation and communication with my team and the broader organization. Having struggled to move the needle across teams and engage with other organizations productively, I looked around for training. Only Toastmasters offered the sustained environment and feedback I would need to truly evolve.

At Toastmasters, you can move at your own pace and are nudged into achieving your goals. The club is very much about the journey and not the destination.


Interested in discovering how Toastmasters can support you in achieving your public speaking and leadership aspirations?

Feel free to come visit us!

Le club St-Lawrence vous invite à célébrer son 75e anniversaire. Réservez tôt!


Date :
Samedi, 4 novembre 2023, 18 h

Lieu :
Restaurant L’Ambroisie
4020, St-Ambroise, salle 140, Montréal H4C 2C7

Coût :
55 $ par personne

Programme :
– Souper (3 couverts), vin
– Bar payant (à partir de 17 h 30)
– Programme spécial
– Orateurs
– Prix de présence

Les billets sont disponibles en ligne à l’adresse suivante :

St-Lawrence Toastmasters invites you to celebrate its 75th anniversary.  Reserve early!


Saturday, November 4, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Restaurant L’ Ambroisie
4020 St-Ambroise, Suite 140, Montréal H4C 2C7

$55.00 per person

– Three-course meal, wine
– Cash Bar (starting at 5:30 pm)
– Special program
– Speakers
– Door Prizes

Tickets are available online at the following address: