
A few weeks ago just before Hallowe’en, the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal had the privilege of having the current Toastmasters International President, Richard E. Peck, join our online meeting and give a speech.

We will also had a speech from our own Italo Magni (two times finalist at the World Championship of Public Speaking).

For those who missed the meeting, or who would like to view it again, you’ll be happy to know that we’ve got a recording available here.


(St-Lawrence Toastmasters online meeting)


Interested in finding out more about Toastmasters? Feel free to join us for our upcoming meeting online.

Here is the programme for the meeting of November 24, 2020.

Le club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal est fier d’accueuillir trois nouveaux membres, Emmanuelle, Rohan et Jerry, qui se sont joints récemments.

Aimeriez-vous faire part d’un club dynamique dont tous les membres s’entraident pour améliorer leurs capacités de s’exprimer en public? Venez vous joindre à une de nos prochaines réunions (en ligne pour le moment) pour en apprendre plus.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 17 novembre 2020.


The St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club Montreal is proud to announce that Laura French-Bourgeois has accepted the role as Secretary of the club’s executive committee, and Jacques Lamontagne has accepted to officially be our VP Membership.

Feel free to join us at one of our upcoming meetings.

Here is the programme for the online meeting of November 10, 2020.