
Félicitations à notre membre Olivier Perreault, qui a gagné la 1ère place au concours d’improvisation en français, organisé par le club CN Collaborators le 17 février 2020. 


(Photo tirée de la page Facebook du club CN Collaborators)

Olivier s’est qualifié pour représenter le club St-Lawrence Toastmasters au concours de division, qui sera organisé par le club HEC Toastmasters le 21 mars.


Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters du Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters du 25 février 2020.


The CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club will be hosting the Speech & Table Topics Area 62 Contest on Monday February 17th, 2020.

Come watch the best of the areas and encourage our St. Lawrence Toastmasters members that will participate:

  • English Speech Contest: Charles Cron
  • Concours d’improvisation en français: Olivier Perreault
  • Table Topics Contest: Robyn Levin?

Winners from the contest will represent Area 62 at the Division G contest in March.

Light refreshments and food will be available.

Join us for an evening filled with loads of fun and speeches that are sure to entertain and inspire!

Buy your ticket now

Want to improve your leadership and public speaking abilities?
Come visit the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal!

Here is the program for the meeting of February 11, 2020.

Come find out how Toastmasters can help you improve your communication skills and become a stronger leader.

Visit the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal.

Here is the programme for the meeting of February 4, 2020.
