
Vous souhaitez vous exprimer plus aisément en public? 

Toastmasters est l’environnement idéal pour vous exercer et développer vos talents d’orateurs à votre rythme! 

Pour en savoir plus, n’hésitez pas à visiter notre club Toastmasters à Montréal.

Voici le programme Toastmasters de la soirée du 25 novembre 2014.

The upcoming Toastmasters meeting will be in the form of a special debate night.

As described in a post by the Lagoon Toastmasters Club in the UAE:

“Debating is an art which provides an outstanding opportunity to develop the three basic abilities of the Toastmasters “Better Thinking, Listening and Speaking” motto.

In this regard debaters must listen to the opposing arguments, learn to think very quickly, and express ideas in an attractive convincing manner which, in part at least, forms the basis of an impromptu speech.”

“A debate is a friendly, enjoyable and beneficial argument between two teams – a stimulating battle of wits – which should entertain the audience.

A speakers matter, manner and method is important and they will be judged by what they say, how effectively they say it and how well their speeches are organised and inter-related.

A good speech is one which has excellent arguments and examples relevant to the team case and rebutting the points put forward by the other side.”

Here are some pointers that the participants will be following.


Feel free to come join our Toastmasters meeting in Montreal for this interesting activity.  Here is the programme for the evening of November 18, 2014.