
Welcome back to the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal! After a well-deserved and relaxing summer break, our club meetings are now back in session.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 9:05 PM.

How can Toastmasters help you to become a more effective public speaker and a stronger leader?  By helping you to develop your presentation skills and giving you a safe environment in which to practice.

Here is an example of the sort of advice that you might get from attending a Toastmasters meeting.  This is a short video by Simon Sinek, a renowned TED Talk speaker, where he shares some of his best advice about how to begin your presentations.

“The best way to do it is to start with some sort of story, metaphor or analogy that captures the idea that you’re going to be presenting about. […] A story that is emblematic of the end result.”



If you’d like to find out more about how Toastmasters can help you improve your public speaking skills, then don’t hesitate to come visit us!

Here is the programme for the meeting of September 4, 2018.